
Breakfast In Bed

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Whole Month of Foodiness, Yay!

Considering the amount of time and energy I spend thinking about, planning, concocting and consuming food, it has so far been rather feebly represented here in relation to my other interests. The problem is that I will often intend to record and share my culinary experiences, but then when it comes to the actual moment of preparing or ordering a meal, I am far too preoccupied with the task in hand to remember to take a photo or write notes. I was reading today over on Wordridden about NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) - an online community that encourages bloggers to write a post every day for a month on a given theme. This month's topic is Food, so I have resolved to follow Jessica's example and start chronicling my daily foodie activities here, at least for the next month. It'll make a nice change from gigs and fancy dress parties anyway! Meanwhile, as a sort of introduction to my culinary life, here is a little miscellany of foodie photos that I have taken on those rare occasions when I am not too busy tucking in...

From top left: Lunch at Mum's with cranberry muffins, Belgian waffles in Bruges cafe, get well cake made by Jo, Bom Bane's starter, German banana split with Advocaat

OK, so it's mostly cakes, but what on earth is wrong with that?

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