The support act was a very friendly scottish lady called Astrid Williamson with a pretty tight band, but the music was a bit busy for my taste. After a small break, Boo sauntered onto stage with two other musicians - the drummer from The Bible, who had apparently been roped in at the last minute as he lives in Brighton - and another guitarist (with some kind of intriguing short-necked guitar in tow) who Boo had enlisted after meeting him a couple of weeks ago in West Chiltington. They seemed very relaxed in each other's company, and the fact that they immediately sat down and remained so throughout the gig was rather endearing. Most of the songs were familiar, but often played in a different style than on the albums. I've always found Boo's music incredibly affecting, but seeing/hearing him perform live was magical. He's got the kind of voice that speaks to your soul - forceful and tender at the same time. I found myself "tingling" on several occaisions, especially when he floated into that gentle, breathy falsetto that he does so well.
Ant and I made fools of ourselves by being the only ones to get up and dance to "59 Yards" - the most upbeat Boo song. I also gave it my all when the audience was invited to join in on the chorus of "Patience of Angels". I've always loved singing this song anyway and to have the chance to sing with the man himself was amazing. The sardonic banter in between the songs was very amusing and added to the convivial atmosphere of the night. I came away feeling very upbeat and inspired, an effect that lasted for the rest of the week, putting me firmly into holiday mode. I'm looking forward to a quiet moment when I can kick back and enjoy the new album, Harmonograph